What does this site contain?

The site is aimed at the Dirienzo family but others might enjoy
the history.

We have tried to publish photos that show the history of the
Dirienzo, and attached families, over the last 100 years. Not all
photos can be shown but the aim is to rotate these as much as
we can over the next few years. If you have any you would like to
add to your album then please email
here and we will publish
what we can.

The Dirienzo name.

The name is obviously Italian and originally was spelt Di Rienzo,
meaning of Rienzo. This identified the name as a citizen of
Laurentum, a town to the west of Rome. Read more
here where
there is a copy of name family history.

How is the site structured?

We have tried to cluster the photos into albums under the
names of members of the family. The start point is Ena and
Bronc, who have their own album. Their children Tony, Michael,
Roy, Christine, Terry and Jackie also have their own album.
Under these albums are sub albums for their children.

The rest is a bit random with a general catch all album.

I hope you enjoy the site
Ena and Bronc - On holiday in
Dirienzo Photo Albums
The Dirienzo Photo Albums
Updated January 2008 with Christmas photo's